Monday 3 November 2014

Why You Shouldn’t Buy the 128GB iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are out in full force, although some buyers are still waiting for their backorder to arrive. In any case, there are some consumers who have yet to purchase an iPhone 6, and that’s mostly because they might still be pondering over which storage capacity to go for.
Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus come in 16GB, 64GB and 128GB storage sizes. We’ve already said our peace about how the 16GB version is just too small for most users, as you’ll quickly fill it up with apps, music, and other files. However, there’s another storage size option that you’ll most likely want to stay away from, and it’s the 128GB model.
I know what you’re thinking: “I might need that much storage, so isn’t it best just to be safe and get the 128GB option?”
It never hurts to have more storage than you need, but when you’d have to pay $100 more in order to get the 128GB storage flavor, it’s money that you most likely will never end up using at its full potential. Here’s why you should stay away from the 128GB iPhone 6 and stick with the 64GB model.

Don’t Listen to Your Gut

If your gut is telling you to get the 128GB version, don’t listen to it. Your gut doesn’t know what’s best. Instead, listen to your brain.

128GB iPhone 6
If you’ve had experiences in the recent past with old smartphones where 64GB just wasn’t enough for all of your apps, music, movies, TV shows, etc., then yes, going for a 128GB model may be a good idea, but that applies to a low percentage of users, and most iPhone users won’t use that much storage.
We’ve all been there at some point where we go ahead and bite the bullet and buy a higher-capacity iPhone with the notion that we’ll probably fill it up eventually with apps and other files, but it never cracks the 50% full mark.
For example, I chose a 32GB iPhone 5s last year when the device was launched thinking that I’d most likely fill it up with my music and a ton of games. However, I quickly discovered that most of my files are stored in the cloud, and I hardly ever played games on my iPhone to justify having so many of them installed.
I learned my lesson once the iPhone 6 rolled around and got a 16GB version for $199, saving myself the extra $100 that I would’ve spent if I went with the next-highest storage capacity.

64GB Is the Perfect Amount

Since the 16GB iPhone 6 model is too small and the 128GB version is mostly overkill, that leaves the 64GB storage option as the perfect Goldilocks option for most users. The 64GB iPhone 6 costs $299, while the 64GB iPhone 6 Plus costs $399, and this is after signing a new two-year contract. You’ll have to more to buy the phones outright without a contract.
Of course, if you’re a very casual user that doesn’t have a lot of apps or files, then 16GB might be enough, but if you like to play games on your iPhone and listen to a lot of music, the 64GB iPhone 6 will be right up your alley, and you shouldn’t need more than 64GB.
iPhone 5s
Plus, the 64GB iPhone is a steal now, considering that the same cost would only get you a 32GB iPhone last year. However, if the starting $299 price tag is still not what you’re willing to pay, take a look at the iPhone 5s, which starts at $99 for the 16GB model and just $149 for the 32GB version. 32GB is the sweet spot for most users, and the iPhone 5s is the latest iPhone that offers that storage capacity option.
The 128GB iPhone 6 shouldn’t be completely dismissed, but it’s mostly reserved for those rare users who really need the space. Music lovers who have over 50GB of music would most likely benefit from a 128GB iPhone, and photographers would probably want a 128GB iPhone 6 as well, seeing as they’ll take a lot of pictures and store them on their iPhones as a mobile photo portfolio of sorts.

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