Thursday 30 October 2014

Upcoming BlackBerry Ltd (BBRY) Smartphones

BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) is going through a phase of restructuring and the company is making sincere efforts to revive the handset business under the leadership of the new CEO John Chen. The company recently introduced a new handset model – the Passport and has made announcement of releasing the BlackBerry Classic Q20. Classic is based on an older BlackBerry Bold model. Also, it has few more non-traditional smartphones in the pipeline.

Upcoming BlackBerry models

BlackBerry Devices and Emerging Solutions President Louks said, “When it comes to design and being a little bit disruptive, we want that ‘wow’ factor,” adding, “Not all of the products will have it, but we definitely have opportunities.”

The next big release from the company is the BlackBerry Passport 2, which is a follow up to the first completely square-design smartphone Passport released by BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) and the company believes that the shape is not so weird.

At the next Mobile World Congress to be held in 2015 the CEO Chen has plans of three BlackBerry Phones as informed by Techradar. Next scheduled releases will be – BlackBerry Passport 2, another “classic” and one unconventional handset, which will be a new concept device. These new devices will be easy to use with just one hand. The company has been able to stabilize its financial situations, and this gives ample room to the company for experimenting and taking risks in the smartphone market.

Huge task for Chen

The smartphone market is dominated by Apple and Samsung phones running on the iOS and Android operating systems. The Canadian company brought in a new CEO, who was entrusted with the responsibility of bringing the company back to profits. He sees BlackBerry devices the ones intended for completing tasks for the business professionals and not meant to be used as accessories simply.

BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) phones are designed to deliver superior performance and user experience. The upcoming BlackBerry devices have been designed keeping this concept in mind. The company will introduce devices with more innovative designs, functions and applications. Also, the company wants to gain a stronghold on conventional designs.

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